Rights and obligations

Data protection rights

  • Every person may contact an organisation directly to find out if he is listed or not by that organisation.
  • Every person may, on simple request addressed to the organisation in question, have free access to all the information concerning him in clear language (any codes must be explained) and obtain a copy against payment of a fee, fixed by the State, of 3 € for the public sector and 4,6 € for the private sector.
  • Every person may directly require from an organisation holding information about him that the data be corrected (if they are wrong), completed or clarified (if they are incomplete or equivocal), or erased (if this information could not legally be collected).
  • Every person may oppose that information about him is used for advertising purposes or for commercial purposes;

he may also oppose to information concerning him being disclosed to a third party for such purposes. The persons concerned should have the possibility of exercising their right to oppose the disclosure of their data to a third party at the moment the data is collected. The use of automatic calling machines or faxes for advertising purposes is prohibited unless the person has given his prior consent.

  • Every person may ask the CNIL to proceed with checks of the information concerning him

which may possibly be recorded in files concerning security of the State, defence, or public security (right of indirect access). The CNIL verifies the relevance, the accuracy and the updating of this information and can demand that it should be rectified or deleted…

  • Every person may contact the CNIL to receive assistance

in the exercise of his rights (particularly if his right of access has been denied).

Data controllers’ obligations

  • Notify the file and its characteristics to the CNIL, except when exempted by law or by the CNIL
  • Ensure that citizens are in a position to exercise their rights through
  • Ensure data security and confidentiality, to protect them from distortion
    or disclosure to unauthorised third parties
  • Accept on-site inspections by the CNIL, and reply to any request
    for information.
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